Web-based Point of Sale specifically designed for F&B operations in Dine-In, Quick Service Restaurants, Food Courts, Take-Aways, Home Delivery & Cafeterias.
Key Product Features
- Ergonomically designed PoS interface simplifying ordering process
- Auto-printing of KOTs in kitchen plus optional printing of master KOT for service staff
- Direct feed to KOT Monitor
- Thin-Client operates on Windows based touch screen hardware, handheld mobile devices & desktops
- Provides advanced features like Add Condiments, Specify Modifiers, Add Comments for the kitchen, Diner Profiling, Service cycle updates, Discounting, Account for tips, Split checks and Multi-mode settlement
- Integrated to hand-held devices used for order taking, thus increasing rush-hour throughput
- Individual, combined or split mode bills processing
- Highly customizable Loyalty and Promotions Modules
Table status is displayed by stage in the service cycle, leading to better table management and more turnaround of covers.